Harmonized Produce Safety Standard (HPSS)

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The Harmonized Produce Safety Standard was set up in the GLOBALG.A.P. Database as a separate standard (Schemeversion: Harmonized Produce Safety Standard (HPSS) version 1 2014) and the registration and certification of producers is similar to the process for IFA. It is applicable for option 1 and 2.

The HPSS is to be audited according to the GLOBALG.A.P. General Regulations and the HPSS addendum. The HPSS may be used by producers around the world especially in North, Central and South America, selling to those buyers requesting this certification, especially in North America. Note: The HPSS does not replace the IFA certification and buyers requesting IFA (e.g. European retailers) will continue to only accept the IFA Standard.

Managing of the HPSS growers works in the database the same way as for the IFA standard. Please choose Harmonized Produce Safety Standard (HPSS) under Manage products:


and please add the products a grower has:


All the further steps, inclusive the certification, work identically to the IFA certification process. Please refer to the respective chapters of this wiki.