Transfer FA

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In case a client has informed the Farm Assurer in the application form that its products were certified in the past, thus it owns a GGN, the Trustee-Masterdata is not allowed to notify and register this client again, because this result in a double registration in the database. It is crucial for the integrity of the system that every producer can only be found with one GGN. Therefore these clients (GGNs) have to be transferred in the database.

Transfer of a GGN with valid cycles is not possible, only after the accepted product cycle or the certificate has run out, i. e. producers/producer groups without accepted or certified products are free to switch their Trustee (of Masterdata).

The GGN which the client provided has to be looked up in Affiliation/Registration. Only producers that currently have no valid cycles will show up. These producers or the one you select can be registered with the new Farm Assurer/Trustee-Masterdata as shown below.


If producers want to switch Farm Assurer/Trustee-Masterdata before their certificate ends, the producer or the Trustee-Masterdata can ask the outgoing Certification Body to shorten the certificate.

However, if an extended certificate is shortened, the product(s) still stay accepted. In this case the outgoing Certification Body needs to contact the customer support and confirm that the product(s) can be deaccepted and the producer/producer group is free to change.

If the outgoing Farm Assurer/Trustee-Masterdata deregisters the producer during a valid cycle, the producer will be deregistered and ready to transfer only after the expiry of the certificate.

Important notice: Currently a transfer is not possible by using the producer upload sheet. If you need to transfer a huge amount of producers, please contact customer support.