MAS Primary Production F&V

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This chapter describes how to insert a producer for the Standard MAS Primary Production F&V.

To be able to maintain this Standard, please get in contact with the CB-Administration Team for approval. The standard can be maintained by Certification Bodies or other companies approved by Metro and registered in the GLOBALG.A.P. Database. The Standard MAS Primary Production F&V is only available for Option 1.

For content related questions please email Metro directly as GLOBALG.A.P. only acts as service provider to maintain this standard in the GLOBALG.A.P. Database.

After approval the 'MAS Primary Production F&V' standard will be available for the company in 'Manage Products'. The product verification process is similar to the one in the IFA Standards except for the following points described:

The upload of a checklist

In the MAS Primary Production F&V standard it is possible to upload a checklist for each product. To upload the checklist please accept the product accordingly and go to 'Check Lists', 'Checklist Upload' and select the standard 'MAS Primary Production F&V standard' with the relevant scheme version:

130314 checklist upload 01.png

Afterwards enter the GGN of the producer and select 'Load Products' to fill the dropdown with the products of the producer which can be selected for checklists. Then select the product and cycle you want to add the checklist to, select a file and upload the document. Please note that only Excel files such as .xls or .xslx documents may be uploaded. The checklist is developed and provided by Metro, please get in contact with Metro in order to receive the checklist.

The level of passing the assessment

In the MAS Primary Production F&V standard the level of passing the audit can be indicated on product level. To set this status please go to 'Affiliation', 'Manage Products' and select the producer you want to set the passed level for. Then select the attributes screen as shown in the screenshot for the relevant product and cycle:

130314 product attributes 01.png

Here you can select the passed level:

130314 product attributes 02.png

Please make sure to accept your selection and save this setting in the Manage Products overview afterwards.

Product status 'assessed'

In the MAS Primary Production F&V standard the product status 'assessed' is used instead of 'certified'. As there is no certification, no online or pdf certificate is available.

Visibility of the assessment

The visibility of this standard is limited to companies that are members of the data access group 'MAS PP F&V observer'. Members of this group are managed by GLOBALG.A.P. on behalf of Metro. The Search will enable the download of the checklist document and show the level of passing the assessment to users included in the data access group 'MAS PP F&V observer'.