Manage products

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Manage products online

As soon as a producer or producer group is registered (producer status not confirmed or registered), the Trustee-Masterdata or the Trustee-Certification Body adds products or deletes existing products.

Manage products is to find online in Affiliation search the producer by entering a search criteria such as the GGN or the company name. Select the producer with the Green square.jpg button.

Manage products online.jpg

Then you will see the available scopes, sub-scopes the Certification Body is approved for, furthermore already saved products if available.

Manage products tree.jpg

A product can be added with the Green plus.jpg button.

Select products online.jpg

In the drop down menu all products are listed that are included in the product list of the respective sub-scope. After the product is selected (marked in blue), the quantity can be updated/entered for the current and/or next cycle. We consider the current vs next cycle always from the date of "today". Quantities can be changed online only here in Manage products. According to General Regulations version 4 product information for the next cycle can be updated 8 months before the certificate expires or the product cycle ends, otherwise the row of the next cycle is greyed. Currently this time frame of 8 months before (and the 4 months extension) is not yet implemented. For such requests. please, contact the customer support.

Select Certification Body or producer group (CB/PG) and scheme for the relevant cycle.

If a producer is an option 1 single producer, the product is linked with the Certification Body.

If a producer is an option 2 producer group member, the product is linked with the Producer group.

The option (1, 2, 3 or 4) is automatically set by the system.

In one case the option has to be checked and changed:

If a producer is an option 2 producer group, the product is linked with the Certification Body and option 2 needs to be selected.

If a producer is an option 1 producer group (with own products), the product is linked with the Certification Body and option 1 needs to be selected.

Quantity information

In order to be able to continue with Acceptance, the quantity information is obligatory for the option 1 single producer and the option 2 producer group members. Quantity information has to be put in hectare. If a producer group has its own fields, own produce of a product that is cultivated also by the producer group members, product quantity can be entered for the group´s product, too. However, this hectare quantity will not be charged.

There are four categories for quantity information:

Quantity info.jpg

Non-covered crops mean the unprotected crops (open air). Covered crops mean the protected crops (e. g. greenhouse, shadow).

First harvest quantity stands for the hectare quantity that is harvested first on the field and shall be certified, where crop rotation is applied.

Further harvest quantity is the hectare quantity for the same or a different crop that is harvested on the same field. This further harvest hectare quantity can be the same as the first harvest or lower.



A grower cultivates lettuce and melons in rotation on one field, 15 hectares.

First lettuce is harvested and shall be certified = first harverst 15 ha

Afterwards melons are harvested and shall be certified = further harvest: 0,X - 15 ha


A grower cultivates tomatoes and watermelons on one field, 20 hectares.

Tomatoes shall not be certified, so this crop does not have any relevant harvest quantity.

In this case watermelons are harvested and shall be certified = first harvest 0,X - 20 ha

If watermelons are harvested twice on different parts of the field:

first harvest: 15 ha

further harvest: 5 ha


A grower cultivates tomatoes, cucumbers and capscicum in rotation on one field, 22 hectares.

First tomatoes are harvested = first harvest 22 ha

Afterwards cucumbers are harvested and shall be certified = further harvest 0,X - 22 ha

Finally capsicums are harvested and shall be certified = further harvest 0,X - 22 ha


Please, consider in any case which cycle is relevant for the update.

There is no next cycle, if there isn´t any current cycle (has never been).

If the next cycle is greyed, it may be to early to update it, i. e. the current cycle expires within more than 8 months.

If any of the cycles is marked only with stars, then another Trustee-Masterdata or Certification Body is responsible for the update.

Scenarios, scope extension

countries of destination add/delete products

change option (CB/PG)

Aqua - separater Kapitel

Manage products via upload