Producer/producer group registration

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The producer/producer group online registration is also related to the producer/producer group Transfer. Please, check additional informations in that chapter.

Producer registration online

The online registration contains two steps defined as notification and registration and completed by the Trustee-Masterdata. Products can be linked with different Certification Bodies or producer groups and different schemes. This implies that a producer or producer group may use more than one Certification Body, Company type and options and/or schemes, but there is only one Trustee-Masterdata, who is responsible for the notification and registration in the GLOBALG.A.P. database.

The Trustee-Masterdata logs in and selects Notification producer in Affiliation.

Notif pr.png

Initially the data use levels has to be set up.

Notif pr 2.png

According to the newly implemented data use levels there are two levels of producer data access rights:

a) Yes, the producer agrees to grant access of his company name and address to the „Public“ data access group after explaining this option to him.

This means that all contact data (name, street, city, PLZ) are going to be displayed for all users searching publicly (without using a registered account).

b) No, the producer does not agree to grant access of his company name and address to the „Public“ data access group after explaining this option to him.

This option means that all contact data (name, street, city, PLZ) are going to be hidden for all users searching publicly and only visible for users with a registered account. There is more producer and product information to show in the database that can be set up in a second step online. Continue with choosing the country in which the company (legal entity) is located (Country of production).

Proceed with entering the company´s name and address. If the latitude and longitude are available, they can be entered below the company address.

Notif 3.png

Subsequently the responsible person data need to be entered.

Finally all details are summarised with an edit option for corrections if needed. Finally all data need to be saved.

Notif pr 6.png

Please, note that if the data of the responsible person (name, address, e-mail address etc.) were once saved, they can only be amended via upload. For that, please, use the producer upload sheet with mode 2.

Data are saved successfully, if the following screen and message appears.

Notif pr save.png

All employees with the role Trustee-Masterdata will receive an e-mail confirming the notification of the producer. Has the producer´s e-mail address been entered, the producer will also receive a confirmation.

After notification the system is checking automatically the user information and validates the address data. Finally the producer will appear on the list of producers to be registered.

Reg producer.png

Reg producer 2.png

Please, select Yes in order to register the producer and click on Execute changes.

Producer group registration online

The online registration contains two steps defined as notification and registration and completed by the Trustee-Masterdata. Products can be linked with different certification bodies or producer groups and different schemes. This implies that a producer or producer group may use more than one certification body, Company type and options and/or schemes, but there is only one Trustee-Masterdata, who is responsible for the notification and registration in the GLOBALG.A.P. database.

The Trustee-Masterdata logs in and selects Notification Producer Group in Affiliation.

Notif pg.png

Initially the data use levels has to be set up.

Notif pg 2.png

According to the newly implemented data use levels there are two levels of producer group data acces rights:

a) Yes, the producer agrees to grant access of his company name and address to the „Public“ data access group after explaining this option to him.

This means that all contact data (name, street, city, PLZ) are going to be displayed for all users searching publicly (without using a registered account).

b) No, the producer does not agree to grant access of his company name and address to the „Public“ data access group after explaining this option to him.

This option means that all contact data (name, street, city, PLZ) are going to be hidden for all users searching publicly and only visible for users with a registered account. There is more producer and product information to show in the database that can be set up in a second step online. Continue with choosing the country in which the company (“legal entity”) is located (Country of production).

Proceed with entering the company´s name and address. If the latitude and longitude are available, they can be entered below the company address.

Notif pg 3 2.png

After this step is completed,the responsible person data needs to be entered.

Resp pg.png

Finally all details are summarised with an edit option for corrections if needed. Finally all data need to be saved.

Notif bef saving.png

Please, note that if the data of the responsible person (name, address, e-mail address etc.) were once saved, they can only be amended via upload. For that, please, use the producer upload sheet with mode 2.

Data are saved successfully, if the following screen and message appears.

Success notif pg .png

All employees with the role Trustee-Masterdata will receive an e-mail confirming the notification of the producer group. If a producer group e-mail address been entered, a producer group will also receive a confirmation.

After notification the system is checking automatically the user information and validates the address data. Finally the producer group will appear on the list of producer groups to be registered.

Reg pg.png

Reg pg 2.png

Please, select Yes in order to register the producer group and click on Execute changes.